Potomac Conservancy

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Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Amber

Amber and her fellow Microsoft team members joined Potomac Conservancy for a fun fall outing collecting native hardwood seeds in Arlington National Cemetery. The day was part of our Growing Native Day, an annual event bringing together volunteers across the region to collect native acorns for stream-side tree plantings.

Here's what Amber has to say about her day of volunteer service:

Q. What was the best part about participating in Growing Native?

I really felt that I not only helped to give back to our local community in a direct way, I learned about our history and became closer with my coworkers in the process.

Q. If you were to tweet about the event, what hashtag would you use?

#GivingIsLiving #SaveThePlanet #BeingNative #DMVGivingBack #GrowingPotomac

Q. What is your favorite activity to do on or near the Potomac?

Kayaking and hiking!

Q. What would you ask our next month’s Volunteer Spotlight (can be anything, river/cleanup or not)?

I would ask them what drove them to be passionate about this particular event.


Get Your Hands Dirty for Clean Water 

Potomac Conservancy would love to see you out on the shores of the Potomac. Find an upcoming opportunity to get outside for a cleanup by visiting our calendar of Upcoming Events >