Potomac Conservancy

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Donald Trump Urged to ‘Make Our Nation’s River Great Again’

Petition Delivered to Hold Trump Accountable for His Destruction of Trees Along the Potomac River

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PRESS RELEASE 11/11/2015:

Over 6,300 petitioners called on Donald Trump to make our Nation’s River great again, holding the GOP Presidential hopeful accountable for his clear-cutting disaster, which threatens DC water quality to further develop a golf course for a wealthy few. 

Press Release: 

Potomac Conservancy Delivers Petition to Hold Trump Accountable for His Destruction of Trees Along the Potomac River Text | PDF

Regional DC non-profit, Potomac Conservancy delivered the petition urging Trump to donate 500 mature trees to NOVA Parks by December 11, 2015 to mitigate the damage from the forest loss. The trees will be planted in Loudoun County, where Trump cut 450 shoreline trees, posing a threat to local water quality, wildlife habitat, and aesthetics. 

Trees are nature’s Brita filter and one of the most cost-effective ways to maintain the purity of local water quality,” says Hedrick Belin President of Potomac Conservancy. “Trump’s irresponsible actions to cut down trees and destroy water quality for the sake of a golf course show how out of touch he is with the way we do business in Washington, DC.”

The tree loss negatively affects five million local residents whose drinking water comes straight from the Potomac River. It also degrades water quality for outdoor enthusiasts who fish, paddle, and run and bike along the Potomac.  

“The DC metro area has heavily invested in initiatives to improve the health of all our region’s rivers and streams, including the Potomac River.  Donald Trump negated much of that progress in one fell swoop,” said Bryon Bradley, a DC river guide. “Trump has done enough damage to Washington DC. If he wants to ‘Make America Great Again,’ he needs to start with rebuilding the Nation’s river that he destroyed.”

“The Potomac River is constantly under threat from pollution that flows across the land every time it rains. We used to have trees that would help keep some of the sediment out, but now all we have are his Trump Stumps and a polluted river,” says Robert Snowhite a fly fishing guide in Alexandria, Virginia, whose livelihood depends on the health of the river. 

“Beyond just an eye sore, removal of trees raises water temperatures, causes erosion, threatens local wildlife and degrades the biodiversity of the Nation's river. I’m not sure I like him putting the needs of golfers over the needs of our local fishermen.”
FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO VIEW THE PETITION please contact Patricia Brooks at 202-351-1757. The petition is hosted on Change.org at http://chn.ge/1GNjf8O, and the conversation can be followed on Twitter using the hashtag #TrumpStumps. Photos are available upon request. 


Activists to Trump: You owe us 500 trees, Dana Hedgpeth, Washington Post

Petition Calls For Trump To Replace Trees He Chopped Down Along The Potomac, Christina Sturdivant, DCist

This local group wants Trump to make DC great again with 500 trees, Gabby Morrongiello, Washington Examiner

Petition urges Trump to replant trees cleared from Potomac shoreline, Jeff Goldberg, ABC7 

Petition Urges Trump To Replace Trees Along Potomac River He Cleared 5 Years Ago, Matt Cohen, DCist

Trump asked to compensate Loudoun County for his water hazard on the Potomac, Dale Peskin, Loudoun Times-Mirror

Trees along Potomac River get ‘Trumped’, Whitney Pipkin, Bay Journal

Why Donald Trump’s view on trees is wrong, Hedrick Belin, Washington Post

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