Potomac Conservancy

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Photos: After 10 inches of rain, the Potomac hit its highest level in eight years

Catch up on the top must-read flood stories

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The biggest story this past month: the record-setting rain.

It was the sixth-wettest May on record in Washington, and heavy rain caused widespread flooding from Ellicott City to Old Town Alexandria. 

Read the top news stories, check out photos of the recent flooding, and learn why we're in for more dangerous storms.

The top must-read stories selected by our staff 

Potomac hit its highest level in eight years  read >

Raging river and high tide coincide to flood Alexandria, Arlington and the District read >

After deadly flash flood, concern about development's impact on Ellicott City read >

Tunnel has already kept billion gallons of sewer overflow out of the Anacostia read >


Photos: Local Residents Share Images of Recent Floods

The Perfect Storm - Why Flooding Will Get Worse

Wet weather seasons are not uncommon, but climate change and harmful sprawl are amplifying their effects to the peril of our hometown river, local wildlife, and our communities.

Our 2018 State of the Nation's River report finds that polluted runoff levels are increasing, posing a serious threat to future health of our waters. Rapid deforestation and an increase in hardened surfaces in once-rural areas have weakened our lands' ability to naturally absorb stormwater. A trend that becomes even more disconcerting at a time when we're experiencing stronger storms that are producing heavier rainfalls.

Want to help? Get vocal and tell Congress to save the Chesapeake Bay Program!

President Trump is threatening to cut funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program by 90 percent. This federally-led effort is responsible for getting the Bay and the Potomac River back on track. The Program's continued leadership and future restoration initiatives will strengthen our communities and reduce man-made polluted runoff.

Tell your representatives to fund the Chesapeake Bay Program at $90 million.

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