Potomac Conservancy

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6 Ways to Get Outside for Great Outdoors Month

Kayaking, hiking, volunteering — get outside and enjoy the Potomac this June

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It's finally summertime, which means it's time to put off your household chores and get outside. June is National Great Outdoors Month! 

Lucky for us, the Potomac River is the perfect local setting for any number of outdoor activities — from hiking to kayaking to getting your hands dirty at a cleanup.

So put down that to-do list, grab some sunscreen, and a friend or two, and get outside! 

1. Community Cleanup at Shepherd Parkway — June 11

Start your summer on a high note by getting outside and giving back to your local community. The Committee to Restore Shepherd Parkway is hosting a cleanup on June 11 in Washington, DC. 

No need to register. Meet at the picnic area near the corner of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Avenues SE at 11 am.

2. Homeschool Day: Be a Farmer for a Day — June 15

Head out to the Accokeek Foundation farm along the Potomac to try your hand at river friendly farming. Meet Accokeek's farmers, dig in the dirt, and find out if you have what it takes to grow for a living.

Tickets are $8. Get yours here >

3. Sunset Paddle Tour of Pohick Bay — June 18

Join NOVA Parks for a paddle in the beautiful sunset at Pohick Bay along the Potomac! The tour highlights the rich natural and historic features of our local lands and waters. The cost is $30 per person.

For more information and to purchase tickets, click here >

4. Bird Walk at Dyke Marsh — June 19

Dyke Marsh, located along the Potomac in Alexandria, is one of the largest remaining freshwater tidal wetlands in the Washington area. The marsh is home to more than 270 species of birds, making it the perfect place to to go on a bird walk. Friends of Dyke Marsh hosts walks every Sunday. 

No registration required. Meet at 8 am in the south parking lot of the Belle Haven picnic area. 

5. Weed Warriors at Sligo Creek — June 25

Get outdoors by giving back! Friends of Sligo Creek is looking for volunteers to help remove invasive plants at Forest Glen. You'll get your hands dirty and enjoy the great outdoors while helping to protect the creek and local wildlife from harmful invasive plants! 

For more info and to RSVP, visit the event page >

6. REI Rock Climbing Club — June 30

Have some experience climbing and looking to get out on the rock with other like minded enthusiasts? Join our sponsors at REI for the weekly meeting of the Rock Climbing Club, held every week throughout the warm season. Cost: $10 for members; $25 for non-members.

For more information and to purchase tickets, click here >

There's more!

Check out our Events Calendar for more fun (and mostly free) outdoor events in our area. 

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