Potomac Conservancy

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Maryland passes historic forest protection legislation

Passing legislation that significantly updates key components of Maryland’s Forest Conservation Act will ensure a net gain of forests in the coming years and decades

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On April 10, 2023, the Maryland state legislature voted to pass critical updates to the Forest Conservation Act to raise forest protection standards statewide and ensure we will experience a net gain of trees in the coming years and decades.

This new law is a tree-mendous success that will expand our local forests and improve the health of our streams and drinking water!

This bill (SB 526/HB 723) was born from the hard work by Maryland conservation organizations, regional coalitions, and our sponsors, Senator Sarah K. Elfreth and Delegate Sara Love. Passing this bill was a grassroots effort with our coalition partners and Potomac Conservancy supporters. With the passion of committed Marylanders, this new law became a reality.

We want to thank all the representatives who made this possible! Send your legislators a quick note to show them they made the right decision in voting to protect our state’s forests.

The updated bill will:

  • Decrease deforestation by guaranteeing more trees lost to development are replanted, ensuring contiguous forests.

  • Preserve the Potomac River because forests are crucial to clean water. Trees help filter pollutants and microplastics that can harm our water quality. More trees mean our drinking water will be cleaner. 

  • Protect local ecosystems because local wildlife relies on forests for food and shelter. With fewer trees, it can be harder for animals to thrive. 

  • Help the climate because as temperatures fluctuate more, it is important to combat that issue with natural solutions, like forests. Trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide and provide shade in hot weather.

We're proud our local movement helped to pass this statewide forest protection law in addition to strengthening Montgomery County's Forest Conservation Law last month.

Together, we'll continue to protect and defend our hometown river, streams, and forests!

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