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Partner Event: Save Rock Creek Park Trees

Join Rock Creek Conservancy and National Park Service volunteers to save park trees from the chokehold of English ivy, an invasive vine that grows up tree trunks and eventually weakens and kills the tree. Volunteers will cut ivy from tree trunks using hand tools. Tools, gloves, and training on how to identify and cut English ivy will be provided. Ages 16 and up to use tools. This event is part of Rock Creek Park on the Move and is eligible for scorecard credit!

Date: Saturday, July 26th, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: We will be working in the Piney Branch section of Rock Creek Park. Meeting location is TBD, check back for more details!

What to Wear: Please wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt.  Wear sturdy boots or sneakers, no sandals. Sunscreen and bug spray will be very helpful!

What to Bring: Bring water. Tools and gloves will be provided. Feel free to bring your own tools and gloves if you have them. Students can earn SSL hours, but please bring needed forms.

Click here to sign up!

* Please remember that you can't cut English ivy in the park on your own.  You must have a National Park Service permit or be part of a volunteer group working with Park Service permission. *