Remembering Caroline Stalnaker

We were very sad to learn about the recent passing of longtime environmental supporter and friend of Potomac Conservancy, Caroline Stalnaker.  Caroline owned a 106-acre working farm in Strasburg, VA.  Nestled along Cedar Creek, a tributary to the North Fork Shenandoah River, the farm produced market lambs, wool, heifers, hay, fruits, vegetables and flowers.  The farm is also home to a historic house where Caroline ran the Mt. Pleasant 1812 Bed & Breakfast.  A popular and cozy setting, Caroline always strived to make it, “one of the greenest in Virginia.” 

In 2006, Caroline permanently protected her land through a conservation easement with Potomac Conservancy and Virginia Outdoor Foundation.  We have been very fortunate to get to know Caroline and her land, and are grateful for all she has done for the foundation, community, and the environment.  In this time of grief, there is comfort in knowing that her land and legacy will be preserved forever.