These 3 laws could have a huge impact on local forests. Get Vocal and tell leaders to protect local trees!

These 3 laws could have a huge impact on local forests. Get Vocal and tell leaders to protect local trees!

Local trees need your help! Legislation in Frederick County, Maryland, in the Maryland State House, and at the federal level could all have a big impact on Potomac forests.

Make your voice heard by speaking up on these bills to protect local trees. 

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Ask the expert: Why isn’t the Potomac getting better, faster?

Ask the expert: Why isn’t the Potomac getting better, faster?

A supporter recently posed a question to us: We have regulations through the EPA, river cleanups, and fundraisers, yet improvement for the Potomac River is slow moving. Why is that?

Learn what makes restoring a river like the Potomac challenging and what your most powerful tool for driving progress is. It's your . . .

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Maryland residents drive new effort to protect drinking water, local streams in Frederick

Maryland residents drive new effort to protect drinking water, local streams in Frederick

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Wise words, but what's that quote got to do with clean water? A lot if you ask Brent Bolin. Hear from Brent, the Chesapeake Regional Director at Clean Water Action, on how his organization is teaming up with Potomac Conservancy to mobilize citizens in the fight for clean water in Frederick County.

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Frederick County Maryland Gets Back on Track

Frederick County Maryland Gets Back on Track

Hard work by the Clean Water Frederick coalition has paid off in Frederick County, Maryland, where the County Council has increased spending on restoration projects by nearly one million dollars. 

For the county that's home to some of the most polluted streams in the state, that's huge news. 

Get more details about this clean water win. 

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Frederick County, MD: Improving Local Water Quality Through Shared Responsibility

Frederick County, MD: Improving Local Water Quality Through Shared Responsibility

The Frederick News-Post reported a legislative attempt to exempt Frederick County, Maryland from enforcing a local stormwater fee. Potomac Conservancy joined clean water partners in Annapolis, Maryland on Tuesday, January 28 to protect the state’s mandatory stormwater fee.

As The Frederick News-Post details, Hedrick Belin, president of the Potomac Conservancy, also argued against a Frederick County exemption, pointing to an assessment released last year that concluded many county streams were in poor health.

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