Potomac Conservancy Turns 25!

Potomac Conservancy Turns 25!

We’re celebrating 25 years of protecting the Potomac River and the lands, streams, and communities we treasure.

Potomac Conservancy’s President, Hedrick Belin, reflects on the organization’s history, the progress we’ve made to clean up the Potomac River, and what it will take to restore our hometown river to full health.

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Swimming called off for 2018 Nation's Escape Triathlon - Here's why

Swimming called off for 2018 Nation's Escape Triathlon - Here's why

Due to pollution concerns in the Potomac River, race organizers and District leaders were forced to cancel the swim portion of the 2018 Nation’s Escape Triathlon.

We've put together this FAQ to provide helpful insights into the conditions that led to the cancellation of the swim race. And, we offer ways you can help in the fight for clean water!

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Report gives the Anacostia River its first ever passing grade

Report gives the Anacostia River its first ever passing grade

Earlier this year, our State of the Nation’s River report gave the Potomac its highest ever grade. The Potomac’s remarkable recovery is something to celebrate. But it begs the question, how about DC’s other river, the Anacostia?

Find out what grade the Anacostia earned this year and what project is reducing pollution in the river by the billions.

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The "perfect storm" that caused Ellicott City to flood, and what we can do about it

The "perfect storm" that caused Ellicott City to flood, and what we can do about it

Last spring, Ellicott City experienced its second 1,000-year flood in as many years. What caused the devastating flooding, and are we in for more disasters during hurricane and spring seasons?

Chanté Coleman, Director of the Choose Clean Water Coalition, offers key insights into Ellicott City’s flooding and what our communities can do to protect our rivers, communities, and businesses.

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Get Your Hands Dirty for Clean Water... and Wildlife!

Get Your Hands Dirty for Clean Water... and Wildlife!

The Potomac Gorge is home to over 1,000 species of animals, making it one of the most ecologically diverse regions in the country. Unfortunately, litter is a significant threat to the local critters that call the Potomac River home.

Learn more about 5 commons types of litter that harm our local critters and what you can do to help.

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Ask the Expert: What do we know about the dolphins in the Potomac River?

Ask the Expert: What do we know about the dolphins in the Potomac River?

The Potomac River is home to a lot of cool critters — including bottlenose dolphins!

Discover what we know and what we’re still learning about this elusive local critter from the expert herself, Ann-Marie Jacoby, the Assistant Director of the Potomac-Chesapeake Dolphin Project.

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7 hidden gems and little known parks to explore this summer

7 hidden gems and little known parks to explore this summer

There are literally hundreds of national, state, and local parks in the Potomac region. Choosing where to go can be overwhelming.

To help you take advantage of the summer sun, we’ve done the hard work for you. Get the picnic basket ready and lace up your boots. Here are 7 spots off the beaten path to explore this summer!

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Take Action: Save Montgomery County’s clean water funding

Take Action: Save Montgomery County’s clean water funding

In a rare move, Montgomery County Council Executive Ike Leggett just vetoed $50M that was committed to  local clean water programs. It’s time to Get Vocal to defend clean water in Montgomery County!

Submit your comment today and tell your local leaders to quit playing politics with our water.

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7 threatened animals to keep an eye out for on your next hike

7 threatened animals to keep an eye out for on your next hike

The Potomac region is home to dozens of threatened critters, all of whom depend on the Potomac River and its surrounding lands for survival. Protecting these amazing animals is one of the reasons our team is passionate about cleaning local streams and rivers.

Check out 7 threatened or endangered animals that we're helping to protect - and find out how you can take action.

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Your backyard can help clean the Potomac—here's how

Your backyard can help clean the Potomac—here's how

Just one inch of rain generates 2,000 gallons of runoff from a typical suburban home. Multiple that by the number of homes in our area and you can see why polluted runoff is the fastest growing source of pollution to the Potomac.

Hear from the experts at Backyard Bounty on how to transform your yard into a river friendly garden that fights pollution and naturally absorbs runoff.

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