Nation's Escape Triathlon and Potomac Conservancy team up for clean water
/Inspiring local athletes to fight for clean water on race day and every day
Photo credit: (c) William MacFarland, courtesy of
The Nation’s Escape Triathlon is joining forces once again with Potomac Conservancy the Washington, DC region’s leading clean water advocate fighting to make the Potomac River safe to swim in, year-round!
Potomac Conservancy’s goals are:
A pollution-free Potomac River and local streams;
Fewer chemicals in the Potomac, the drinking water source for over 5 million people;
Protected forests and accessible parks and trails; and
Healthy and thriving wildlife habitat.
The Nation’s Escape Triathlon is motivated to work with Potomac Conservancy to clean up and protect the “Nation’s River.”
Through our partnership, now in its second year, Potomac Conservancy is offering Nation's Escape Traithlon racers $15 off the cost of registration. Think you have what it takes? Register today!
You can also join the fight for clean water by getting involved as a volunteer, speaking up for water protection in local decisions, and contributing directly to Potomac Conservancy.
Potomac Conservancy is fighting to reduce polluted runoff, pollution that is washed into the river in storms. This source of pollution contributes to bacteria levels that have derailed the swim race in the recent past. Polluted runoff remains the largest barrier to restoring water quality. In fact, it’s the fastest growing source of pollution to the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay.
So, how is the river doing?
The good news is the Potomac River is the healthiest it’s been in decades!Check out our 2018 Potomac River Report Card for the latest information on Potomac River water quality.
The 2018 report gives the river a B health grade. This grade is up from a D plus just ten years ago. For the first time in generations, we are within reach of enjoying a healthy, thriving Potomac River. Working with the Nation’s Escape Triathlon and many individuals, progress is being made toward the ultimate goal – a rating of “swimmable” every day, including on race day!
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