Potomac River is the healthiest it's been in decades

Now more than ever, we must stay the course for our hometown river


In case you missed it, we broke some pretty big news last month. 

The Potomac River is on its way to recovery! 

In a first for our hometown river, the Potomac scored above a C, earning a B- in our 9th State of the Nation’s River report. 

Pollution levels are decreasing, fisheries are rebounding, and more people are getting outside to enjoy the river.

“The Potomac Conservancy report illustrates how our citywide efforts to restore and protect our waterways are beginning to pay off,” DC's Department of Energy and Environment Director Tommy Wells said of our report. “Treating our local rivers like major city assets has been good for the Chesapeake Bay and great for the District of Columbia.” 

Though the progress is certainly worth celebrating, our river is not in the clear yet. 

Polluted runoff, invasive fish, and poorly planned development threaten to undo decades of clean water progress. 

Now more than ever, we must stay the course to achieve a swimmable, fishable Potomac. Find out how you can help the Potomac get an A+.