Quiz: What's up with swimming in the Potomac River?
/Test your knowledge on how and where to safely swim in our local waters
Athletes in the 2017 Nation’s Triathlon swim in the Potomac River in Washington, DC.
Image copyright William MacFarland, MacFarlandPhoto.net.
It’s the hottest and most humid part of the year and pools are closed…a dip in the Potomac River or your local creek probably sounds REALLY good right now. But is it safe??
The answer is not always simple. The Potomac River region is big, so how do you know if you’re local swimming hole is a good place to take a dive?
Break down the basics of river swimming safety and learn how we can make our way to a fully swimmable future with our quiz all about the current status of swimming in our local waters.
Want to help us paddle our way to a fully swimmable Potomac River?
Making a monthly gift of just $7 will help
support our grassroots clean water advocacy.