Water is life. Discover how we're restoring the Potomac River for clean water and thriving communities

[VIDEO] Our Potomac, Our Water


Monica Bradley, a dedicated clean water advocate, is a part of the inaugural Maryland Conservation Corps program. She has been collaborating with Potomac Conservancy as a Community Conservation Associate for the past year.

Her passion for clean water inspired her to write this poem (short script), direct, and co-produce this incredible video, highlighting the importance of Potomac Conservancy's work.


Monica at a Potomac river cleanup

What inspired you to create a video about the importance of clean water? What are you hoping audiences walk away with?

Monica: Creating a video about the importance of clean water was inspired by the undeniable fact that water is fundamental to all life. I’ve seen firsthand how communities thrive when they have access to clean water, and conversely, how they suffer without it.

Clean water is a fundamental human right, yet millions worldwide lack access to it, while others contribute to its pollution, which is unfair to all of humanity. In this venture, I aim to raise awareness of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve this essential resource, known as water. I also wanted to highlight the crucial role water plays in health, economic development, and environmental sustainability.

Through this video, I hope audiences will not only understand the importance of clean water but also feel motivated to take action—whether through participating in community cleanups, supporting water charities, advocating for policy changes, or simply conserving water in their daily lives.

Additionally, I want to emphasize the profound joy and enhanced quality of life that clean water brings. Just think about it—we can swim, eat, drink, play, and relax, all thanks to water. Isn't that an amazing asset in our lives? 

I want viewers to leave with a renewed appreciation for clean water and a sense of urgency to ensure its accessibility for everyone. I also hope they feel compelled to invite their family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors to join them in efforts to keep our environment clean. It takes collective action from all of us to foster global change for the betterment of all.


What will you carry with you from your experience working on the Potomac's recovery into the future – personally or professionally? 

Monica: Working on the Potomac River's recovery has exposed me to the profound impact of community engagement in a way that I hadn't previously experienced. It's been eye-opening to witness how individuals coming together, each bringing their unique skills, perspectives, and resources to the table, can catalyze significant change.

In our efforts along the Potomac, I've seen how diverse stakeholders—from local residents to environmental organizations to government agencies—have collaborated tirelessly towards a common goal. This collaborative spirit has fostered a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for the river's well-being, transcending individual interests and fostering a deeper connection to our natural environment.

Monica talking to cleanup volunteers

Moreover, witnessing the ripple effects of our collective actions has been truly inspiring. As we work together to restore habitats, clean up waterways, and advocate for policy changes, we've not only improved the health of the Potomac but also revitalized communities, empowered individuals, and inspired others to join the cause.

This experience has underscored the immense power of community engagement in effecting positive change. It's shown me that by harnessing the collective energy, passion, and expertise of our communities, we can overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Moving forward, I’ll carry with me the knowledge that environmental recovery is possible with intentionality, dedication and collaboration. I’ll continue to participate in community clean ups and will continue to advocate for policies that protect our water resources and engage in projects that aim to restore natural habitats.

This experience has solidified my belief that every small action counts and that it's our collective responsibility to take care of our planet for the benefit of future generations.


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