The good, the bad, and the dirty. Ross tells all on acting locally with Team Potomac.

The good, the bad, and the dirty. Ross tells all on acting locally with Team Potomac.

If you've never been out on the river with Potomac Conservancy, you might have some questions before signing up for your first event. For instance . . .

What's it like to try stand up paddleboarding for the first time?
What's the downside to attending a cleanup?
What exactly goes on during a "spirituality in nature walk"?

Ross is here to help! He's been getting his hands dirty and feet wet at Team Potomac events for over two years. He tells it like it is and gives his honest advice to those looking for a way to get involved.

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Ask the expert: Why isn’t the Potomac getting better, faster?

Ask the expert: Why isn’t the Potomac getting better, faster?

A supporter recently posed a question to us: We have regulations through the EPA, river cleanups, and fundraisers, yet improvement for the Potomac River is slow moving. Why is that?

Learn what makes restoring a river like the Potomac challenging and what your most powerful tool for driving progress is. It's your . . .

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Report finds rain absorbent parking lots increasingly popular

Report finds rain absorbent parking lots increasingly popular

Thanks to policy incentives and community demand, local developers are embracing river friendly growth and making strides in reducing the amount of polluted runoff that floods the Potomac. Find out what innovative program in DC is setting out to spur investment in nature-based solutions and might one day serve as a model for cities across the country. 

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4 clean water battles to keep an eye on in Annapolis

4 clean water battles to keep an eye on in Annapolis

Help hold our local leaders accountable for keeping clean water a top priority!

Maryland's legislature reconvenes this month, and we're monitoring 4 contentious clean water battles that are likely to be on the table this session. 

Learn how you can take action to speak up for clean water and a healthy Potomac River.

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Photo Essay: Paddler Turned Volunteer

Photo Essay: Paddler Turned Volunteer

Raise your glass to Rebecca: avid paddler, River Center volunteer, and donor!

Just think. The Potomac would be restored with swimmable and fishable waters much sooner if the river had more friends like Rebecca. Hear from her directly and learn what drove her to get involved in the fight for clean water.

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The numbers are in. Team Potomac sets new bar for river cleanup.

The numbers are in. Team Potomac sets new bar for river cleanup.

Not sure about you, but the doom and gloom from this year’s news has us feeling a bit down.

Tired of focusing on what’s wrong in the world, we searched for a bit of inspiration. Hear from Katie, our Community Conservation Director, who lifts our spirits with record-breaking results from our glove-wearing, trash-fighting, river-exploring volunteers!

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New pedestrian bridge will connect Kennedy Center to Potomac, Georgetown

New pedestrian bridge will connect Kennedy Center to Potomac, Georgetown

A new pedestrian bridge will connect the Kennedy Center to the Potomac River, giving bikers, runners, and paddlers easy access to one of the city's most beautiful buildings. Find out what else the Kennedy Center expansion will include and what Potomac River idea got the cut.

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Get to know the businesses that support a cleaner Potomac!

Get to know the businesses that support a cleaner Potomac!

Ever wonder how a small, local non-profit hosts 1000+ volunteers and paddlers a year? Find out who's behind the scenes, partnering with us for a healthy and restored Potomac, and giving volunteers memories that last a lifetime.

P.S. If you're looking for good companies to support this holiday season, this is a cheat sheet!  

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Exercise your right to clean water in November

Exercise your right to clean water in November

Don't let others make clean water decisions without your input!

The headlines day in and day out may be all about the White House, but casting your vote at the local level is just as important!

Learn why local elections matter for clean water and how your elected officials can prevent polluted runoff from degrading our streams and rivers.

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