Volunteer Spotlight: Meet William

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet William

William and his colleagues from Shake Shack joined a group of 30 volunteers on a cold November day to pick up trash along the river's shores. "Nowadays pollution seems to be at a very high point so I was glad I could do something small to help."

Read what else William has to say about his day of volunteer service after the jump!

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A Saturday Morning to Remember: Potomac River Cleanup Day

A Saturday Morning to Remember: Potomac River Cleanup Day

There are some who wake up on a Saturday morning and decide to ease into the day with a fresh cup of Joe and a glance at the weekend paper. Then there’s Eric.

Not one to miss out on a beautiful spring morning, Eric took a brisk walk from his place in Foggy Bottom over to Theodore Roosevelt Island to pitch in for the annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup.

How much trash did Eric and other volunteers remove from the Potomac? You'll have to find out after the jump!

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Time for Spring Cleaning. Join Us For Annual Potomac Cleanup!

Time for Spring Cleaning. Join Us For Annual Potomac Cleanup!

Take part in the biggest annual Potomac River cleanup and restore healthy shorelines by removing litter, debris and trash from river access spots. On April 5, 2014, Alice Ferguson Foundation hosts its 26th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup.

Join Potomac Conservancy at one of our three host sites from 9:00am – 12:00pm. This year, we will be hosting volunteers at the River Center at Lock 8 in Cabin John, Maryland; Fletcher's Cove in Washington, DC; and Theodore Roosevelt Island in Washington, DC. 

Interested volunteers can register by emailing Rebecca at long@potomac.org. More details after the jump.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Meet the Gulf 4 FEMA Corps Team

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet the Gulf 4 FEMA Corps Team

Potomac Conservancy was thrilled to have Nico, Sebastian, Aziza, Vanessa and Mac join us at the February 22nd Canal Stewards cleanup event. The team dedicated their Saturday morning to removing litter and debris along the shores of the Potomac at Fletcher's Cove in Washington, DC.

Nico, Sebastian, Aziza, Vanessa and Mac are members of AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) FEMA Corps: Southern Region, Gulf 4. Team members from this FEMA Corps group are assigned service projects in and around Jessup, Maryland.

See what the team had to say after the jump.

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