Congress’s inaction to pass an updated Farm Bill is harming the Potomac River

Congress’s inaction to pass an updated Farm Bill is harming the Potomac River

The Federal Farm Bill is essential to advancing conservation in our region because it provides critical funds and resources that unlock easement opportunities for farmers and everyday people. In fact, it’s the single largest source of private conservation funding. 

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Five spots you *otter* try otter-spotting in the Potomac River region

Five spots you *otter* try otter-spotting in the Potomac River region

Spotting an otter along the Potomac River is an exciting challenge. Local nature lovers and otter experts generously offer some tips to nudge us in the right direction, sharing intel on where river otters are seen around the Potomac River Region.

Otter activity is an indicator of clean water (our passion) – join us in celebrating their presence and charm!

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Tree Planting Project in Shepherdstown, WV takes root thanks to key partners coming together

Tree Planting Project in Shepherdstown, WV takes root thanks to key partners coming together

Good news: the Potomac River region’s tree population just got bigger! We’re tree-ting our river with this major sapling planting in the headwaters. Not only will these trees provide shade when they grow tall, they will also help clean our water!

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We’re banding together to take bold action for the Chesapeake Bay Region

We’re banding together to take bold action for the Chesapeake Bay Region

We appreciate the work of the Beyond 2025 Steering Committee but feel the recommendations do not go far and move quickly enough. The following letter offer alternative recommendations for the Chesapeake Executive Council to consider adopting at their annual meeting in December:

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This conservation easement is protecting land, cleaning water, and helping these 4 plants thrive

This conservation easement is protecting land, cleaning water, and helping these 4 plants thrive

Our Potomac River region is home for many plants that serve a dual purpose! They aren’t just pretty to look at, they have other important benefits, too!

The key is, we need to protect the land and water they rely on. Without a healthy environment, these plants can’t thrive!

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Newborn dolphins are expected in the Potomac River any day now – Here's what we're learning about them

Newborn dolphins are expected in the Potomac River any day now – Here's what we're learning about them

Baby dolphin season is almost here! We’ve talked with dolphin experts, so you know how to help the dolphins and their babies this summer.

It’s critical we continue to protect these amazing creatures that we share the Potomac River with!

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To protect clean water, we need to talk about the Potomac’s English ivy problem

To protect clean water, we need to talk about the Potomac’s English ivy problem

Beloved ornamental or tree killer? English ivy has blanketed our region, harming trees and reducing biodiversity wherever it grows. We talked with Jon Nowick of Tree Friends United about how to get invasive vines under control.

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Branch out and explore 5 old-growth forests in the Potomac River region

Branch out and explore 5 old-growth forests in the Potomac River region

Our region’s old-growth forests improve water and air quality, provide vital wildlife habitat, and help fight the climate crisis. And, they also offer a diversity of recreational opportunities! What can’t they do?

Check out these 5 local forests to visit!

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Montgomery County Forest Coalition bands together for clean water

Montgomery County Forest Coalition bands together for clean water

Are you worried about your local neighborhood trees in Montgomery County? Us too! Trees are critical to a healthy and thriving Potomac River, which is why we need to protect them!

Read on to see how the Montgomery County Forest Coalition, with leadership from Potomac Conservancy, is fighting for healthier trees in your county.

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Local runners dish on the 5 best running routes along the Potomac River

Local runners dish on the 5 best running routes along the Potomac River

Bored of running inside or around your neighborhood? Check out these running routes in the Potomac River area. There are ideas for everyone!

When we spend time recreating near the Potomac River we build a lasting relationship with our beautiful streams, forests, and wildlife. Ready to find the perfect route for you?

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